Prediabetes is a silent but significant health risk that affects approximately 98 million adults in the United States alone. Often unnoticed and undiagnosed, prediabetes acts as a precursor to type 2 diabetes, a lifelong condition that causes raised blood glucose (sugar) levels. The condition can often be effectively managed with timely intervention and the proper
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How to Recognize the Signs of Prediabetes
If your doctor says your blood glucose levels are higher than normal, you may be on your way to becoming diabetic. Prediabetes is a medical condition that can be the forerunner of a diagnosis of type-1 or type-2 diabetes. Here’s how to recognize the signs of prediabetes, what your risk factors for it may be,
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About one in ten people living in the United States have diagnosable diabetes. While most of these individuals have adult-onset, or type-2 diabetes, both type 1 and type 2 diabetics must watch their diets to keep their blood glucose levels within a normal range. If you’d like to know what you should and shouldn’t eat
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Prediabetes is a common health problem in the US affecting about one in three adults, or more than 96 million people. While it isn’t full-blown diabetes, prediabetes lays the foundation for diagnosis of type-2 diabetes and its serious complications. Fortunately, the right diet can reduce blood glucose and manage the risk. Here are ten facts
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Consider prediabetes a warning sign – a big, bright, flashing, neon-red warning sign that diabetes is headed straight for you – unless something changes soon. If you’ve been told you have prediabetes, know that there are steps you can take to change the course of your life, beginning now. Is Prediabetes Diabetes? Yes and no.
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